Wednesday 22 February 2012

Digital Scraps

Ever since I can remember I have been a scrapbook fanatic. I know this is neither 'cool' nor stylish but I love how you can preserve bits such as pictures or articles from magazines or bobs like theatre tickets and postcards that could easily have been horded in a box and never looked at again. Additionally, I enjoy the aesthetics that come into practice and the jigsaw-like placement of images and words onto A4, then the cathartic cutting and sticking involved. 

Although I still always have a scrapbook on the go, I have noticed how I go back to it less and less. This is partly due to lack of time and the end of my teenage love affair with buying endless magazines. But mainly due to the internet. The constant bombardment of images means that I rarely go back to one twice so I try to save any image I like to a file on my computer. So, having racked up a few folders full of random saved images, I though, in the guise of a good spring clean, I'd post some of my favourite recent pictures...

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